cracked nipples

Contact English

The quickest is to WhatsApp me 06 – 1541 7909 (09.00-18.00). Or give me a call. If I can’t pick up the phone (busy with mother and babies), please send me a WhatsApp and tell me why you called. Thanks! Of course, an email is also fine. See underneath. I check my emails daily during the week. To find an lactation consultant other than me, you can ask your midwife for advice, or choose for: Annelies de Haan Desi Hermans Nienke…

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Breastfeeding Support

Individualised sessions designed specifically to address your needs and concerns, and delivered in the comfort of your own home, at my practice, ins small groups or in a virtual meeting. Besides being lactation consultant IBCLC, I used to work as a midwife and am I trained as a counselor. That’s why I approach giving birth and breastfeeding, combining my knowledge and positivity, to experience parenthood in the most enjoyable way. 160 euro 1st session / 100 euro Follow up session…

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What does breastfeeding support cost? The Breastfeeding Support I offer as a Lactation Counselor IBCLC is partly or fully covered by most insurance plans (in EXTRA packages)  You can check the details of coverage your insurance coverage here Appointments can be canceled up to 24 hours in advance. This allows me to accept and support other clients. Thank you.  160 euro 1st session (at your place) 1,5-2 hrs 100 euro 1st session (at the practice) 1,5  hrs 100 euro follow…

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English? ¿Español? Français?

I speak rather good English, bastante Español et un petit peu français

©Mamma Minds, alle rechten voorbehouden

NVL lidnummer 66513 / IBCLC l-49626 / KvK 34377489 / CRKBO

AGB praktijk 90066283/ AGB behandelaar 90107075

Ontheffing BTW cf. Wet OB art.25 lid 3


Marieke van Luin

Lactatiekundige IBCLC

Praktijk (op woensdag) Gezondheidscentrum Watergraafsmeer

Telefoon: 06-1541 7909

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