Is it normal that my baby wakes up a couple of times in the night? Will my baby ever sleep through the night? Can I spoil my baby? What is a normal breastfeed and sleeping pattern? Is it okay to dreamfeed, co-sleep, swaddle …? Can I sleeptrain our newborn baby?
It’s very normal to ask yourself questions and experiment to find out what works best for you. In this introductional workshop sleep consultant Ola, from Tiny Sleepyhead and Lactation consultant IBCLC, Marieke van Luin from Mamma Minds will be there to share their experience and answer your questions. We invite you to join in with your newborn baby (and partners are very welcome!). The focus will be on the newborns up to 3 months. But feel free to join in if you have an older baby!
Costs: 25 euro
Registration and payment:
Genestetstraat 3-1, AW Amsterdam
Doors open at 10.30 for a welcoming cup of tea!