Breastfeeding Support

Individualised sessions designed specifically to address your needs and concerns, and delivered in the comfort of your own home, at my practice or in a virtual meeting.

Besides being lactation consultant IBCLC, I used to work as a midwife and am I trained as a counselor. That’s why I approach giving birth and breastfeeding, combining my knowledge and positivity, to experience parenthood in the most enjoyable way.

160 euro 1st session / 100 euro Follow up session MORE INFO COSTS HERE

Duration of session 

You can count on at average 1,5 to 2 hrs. for a home session. I will observe a feeding, answer your questions and we'll talk about options to create your own personal plan. 

To observe a feeding, please try to NOT feed your baby fully just before I come over. If possible keep in mind to not feed your baby to 1-1,5 hr before we start. Most often it works well to either feed your baby a bit earlier than used too or to offer just little bit. And of course, feeding goes before crying; please DO feed if really needed.

We'll evaluate through email in the weeks following the consultation wether the situation has changed, improved, or not yet. Please also let me know if 'improvements' did not occur, to adjust or to expand  the 'plan'.

Invoice will be sent by email after the session(s). Most insurances reimburse costs completely or partly. After payment you can reimburse the bill to your insurance if they offer a coverage for Lactation Support IBCLC.


I come to your home MON-TUE-THURS-FRIDAY in Amsterdam and Duivendrecht, Amstelveen, Diemen, depending on my already scheduled sessions.

At Wednesday I hold practice at, Gezondheidscentrum Watergraafsmeer / Amsterdam Oost/Watergraafsmeer


Virtual support

If you choose for a virtual consultation, I'd like to receive on forehand recorded feeding fragments on video of latching and positioning. In the ZOOM session we'll talk things through. I'll answer your questions and make a plan. You don't have to feed live in front of the camera. Please read the information here for some important details


Video call 45 euro / 30 minutes (start session most often 60 euro's including report-notes). See more about costs/reimbursements here.

If a video call is followed by a home visit, it'll be a 'follow up' visit a 100 euro

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your situation.

Trainee coming along?

Marloes (trainee/almost IBCLC and well experienced breast massage therapist) is often coming along with me and takes part in the communication/follow up. If agreed she can also do visits to support your breastfeeding journey. More information about her and her services here. Stagiaires / Students IBCLC

Please let me know if you have do not agree for her to come along, okay? I can ensure you, we are a great team together and most parents benefit from having us both present.

WhatsApp or Call me for the quickest answer

My name is Marieke van Luin, Lactation Counselor IBCLC. More than 20 years I worked as a midwife. I guide parents in supporting breastfeeding and the challenges that might occur. Do you want to know about me? Read more about me and my approach

Agenda Breastfeeding Classes

¿Necesitas informacion en Español? ¡Si claro!

¿Necesitas informacion en Español? Llama me por teléfono o contact. ¡Gracias!

Why breastfeeding support after birth?

There are many reasons people choose to have individualised Postnatal Breastfeeding Support with a lactatation consultant IBCLC:

  • to find a way in possibilities and knowledge in breastfeeding your LO in good balance with yourself, partner, and family.
  • to make a change in your breastfeeding situation in issues like: discomfort (nipples, latch, positioning), production (low/high), tongue-lip-tie restriction, enjoyment, energy levels, schedule, expressing, combining, weening, medical situations, breast enlargement/reduction ed.
  • going back work: to inform yourself about possibilities and rigths and make plan together
English? ¿Español? Français?

I speak rather good English, bastante Español et un petit peu français

©Mamma Minds, alle rechten voorbehouden

NVL lidnummer 66513 / IBCLC l-49626 / KvK 34377489 / CRKBO

AGB praktijk 90066283/ AGB behandelaar 90107075

Ontheffing BTW cf. Wet OB art.25 lid 3


Marieke van Luin

Lactatiekundige IBCLC

Praktijk (op woensdag) Gezondheidscentrum Watergraafsmeer

Telefoon: 06-1541 7909

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